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Are smartphones running the world?

May 3, 2013

It isn’t difficult to notice that almost everyone is in possession of a smartphone. This is interesting considering that a decade ago this wasn’t true. Most people had phones that performed it’s most important function and that was to call other people. There were no touch screens or apps to play with. The  most enjoyable thing that one could do on the phone was play games and after awhile that became boring.  Now it isn’t uncommon to see every student in a lecture hall with an iPhone or smartphone in general. And smartphone sales look like they will only increase as more and more advanced tech is being produced.

These newer phones allow for more customization, interaction and more efficiency in communication which is amazing. The children being born now will grow up with smartphones being the norm and won’t understand that at one point the cell phone was just a cell phone. Sometimes I like to ask myself the question of what new advances will cell phone see in the near future. It almost seems as if we are at the point in which cell phones can perform every action that’s possibly needed. I’m always surprised when I view videos of phones and see how far they have come software wise. See vid below!

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